Top 100
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Have fun and advertise yourself by playing BitCoinClash! It's fast. It's fun. It's easy. Get yourself noticed. Climb to the top and hold supremacy over everyone.

The rules for BitcoinClash are very simple. Get to the top of the list or as close as you can to the top of the list. The higher your power the higher your position in the list. The list displays the top 100 positions with power at or above 0.001. There may be any number of positions beyond 100 that are not displayed.

You improve your position in the list by increasing your power. Your position in the list will only drop if another contender increases their power above yours.

You obtain power by sending bitcoins to your contender's bitcoin address on a one to one basis. Any amount is acceptable, but to qualify for appearance on the list, your power (the cumulative balance) must be at least 0.001 bitcoins. Any lesser amount and you will not appear on the list but will have a position. Note that even if your power is 0.001 or above, you will not appear in the list if 100 other contenders have a power greater than yours.

All bitcoin expenditures are non-refundable.
The life of the list is indefinite. The plan is to keep the site running for a minimum of ten years.

After you log in you can view the details of your contender by clicking on the contender name in the top right of the page.

If you are unfamiliar with bitcoins then visit to learn more.

How to Play

  1. Create an account(new contender) by clicking on the 'Create' button at the top of the screen.

  2. Log in to the account you created.

  3. After you log in, your contender name will display in the top right of the page. Click on the name. This will show a page that displays information about your contender. Hover the mouse over the bold words to get an explanation of the fields. Your Bitcoin address will be on this page.

  4. Send some bitcoin to the bitcoin address of the account you created.

  5. If you desire, fill in the proclamation. The proclamation will appear below your contender's name in the top 100 list. Remember you will not show in the top 100 list unless you have sufficient power.

  6. Check the list to see if you are in the position you want. If not, repeat step 4. Use the Range Factor (explained below) to help you determine what it will take to attain a desired position. Note that it may take a few minutes before your bitcoin payment reflects in your standing.

Top 100 List

P Column (Position)
This column shows the contender's position(rank) in relation to the other contenders. The top position is 1 and the bottom is 100. Contender's will only appear in the list if their power is at or above 0.001.

R Column (Range Factor)
Exact power levels of other contender's are never revealed. However this column will give an idea of the power required to take the next higher position. This column displays an estimated factor of the required expenditure to attain enough power to overtake the postion directly above. It is based upon the current power of a position in relation to the power of the position directly above. For example, if you are at position 12 with a power of 0.10 and your Range factor shows 2. This indicates that your power must be increased by at most .20 (2 x 0.10) to take the position directly above (position 11). It is an estimate, and less power may be required but never more. Second Example: At position 50 with power of 0.015 and Range Factor shows 10. To move into position 49 will require at most a power increase of 10 times your current power level, 10 x 0.015 = .15 bitcoins. Your exact power is never shown to anyone and you need to be logged in to see your power.

Since the top position has no position above it, there is no range factor in position 1.

Name/Proclamation Column
This column displays the contender's name. Below the name is the proclamation, if any.
For position one, the number of days the contender has held supremacy (been in position 1) is shown next to their name.

Emblem Column
This column displays a unique emblem based soley on the contender's power. A different emblem is displayed for each specific range of power. Very low power levels have no emblem.

Contender Information Page:

The contender information page is viewed by clicking on any contender's name in the list.

Contender's position in relation to all others.

Contender's current power.

If contender is in position 1 then the date of attaining this position will be displayed here. If the contender is not in position 1 this will display the word 'no'.

The longest period of supremacy(been in top position) the contender has ever held in the past. It does not include the current supremacy, if any.

Date player joined

Bitcoin Address
This is the address to send bitcoins in order to increase your power. Each contender has a different address. Your address is visible only to you. The address is only shown when logged in. Bitcoin addresses of other contenders are not shown. All payments are final and non-refundable.

This is a message that is displayed below the contender's name in the list. The proclamation message is limited to 80 characters. Whenever a higher position is attained the proclamation may be edited once. HTML code is not permitted in the proclamation. Advertising is permitted, including URLs. All messages must be in good taste. Unacceptable message and link content includes but is not limited to adult, violence, illegal activities, offensive and malicious material. reserves the sole right to remove any messages it deems unacceptable and delete the account of the offender without notice.